类型:Classification of press riveted nuts: press riveted nuts are divided into three types: s, CLS and SP in terms of materials s: carbon steel press riveted nuts CLS: stainless steel press riveted nuts SP: stainless iron press riveted nuts
类型:BSO blind hole press riveting studs, with blue and white zinc plating on the surface, are generally divided into two types for thin plate press riveting studs.
类型:So type through-hole stud is the most commonly used type. There are through-hole and blind hole for riveting stud, and through-hole stud is divided into through-hole half thread and through-hole full thread according to the user's requirements.
类型:Classification of press riveted nuts: press riveted nuts can be divided into three types: s, CLS and SP from material: carbon steel press riveted nuts CLS: stainless steel press riveted nuts SP: stainless iron press riveted nuts.